We supply buyer and seller real estate leads to Canadian individual agents and teams.


We have 2 goals for our agent partners:

  1. To take the pain out of generating new leads for your real estate business.
  2. To earn you as much as $5 for every $1 invested in leads.


Why choose GoAgents.ca for your lead generation initiatives?

We use intent-based marketing to bring in high-intent inquiries from people in your area looking to buy or sell.

Most other lead generation companies define a lead as someone who is forced to submit their info on an MLS enabled website in order to browse listings.  These leads are low quality and only convert at 1-2%. That’s a lot of following up and time chasing leads that end up going nowhere.

Our leads are different in that we capture information from people actually searching for real estate services in your area and have a verified phone number, not people simply looking to just browse listings. These are people who have expressed actual interest in real estate agent services and we expect an 8-15% lead-to-close conversion rate on our leads. These are premium, high-intent leads, so you spend less time chasing clients and more time closing deals.


Stop worrying about prospecting and lead generation and start closing more deals.
Fill out this form to request access to our referral network:

    Your name

    Your brokerage

    Your email

    Your phone number

    Your message